ありがたいことに、僕は才能がある、刺激的な友人にたくさん恵まれています。おかげさまでインスピレーションの源の一つであり、自分の世界観を広げてくれます。今回の撮影は友人のクリエイターと写真家のジェフェリー バウムにお願いしましました。H3Oの展示ブランドアイテムを「自由自在に使って!」と指示を出し、出来上がったのが今回の作品!(笑)
I like to surround myself with fabulous, talented friends. It not only makes life more inspirational – it also makes Friday nights much, much more fun. And it helps to keep me on my toes – allowing me to glimpse at my own world through different eyes. Recently, I gave one of my friends, the talented photographer and créateur Jeffrey Baum, free reign of my showroom to interpret H3O’s brands in his own way. Shooting on one of my favourite models of the moment Taira, it’s an ode to Spring; a melancholy and glorious celebration of sakura and fading light. I hope you like it!

Embroidered PVC Jacket and Skirt by Disaya

Printed dress by Disaya layered over embroidered tulle dress by Car2ie