Marrakshi Life Dreaming | jason lee coates
jason lee coates

Marrakshi Life Dreaming


去年の10月にお母さんとマラケシュ旅行に行きました!その時に友達のキャッシーがデザイナーのランダル バクナーに紹介してくれました。彼は数年前、地元のニューヨークを去り、マラケシュに移住し自身のブランドを立ち上げました。彼の作る服をみて、僕は改めて「ジャンプスーツ」というアイテムに魅了されました。
Back in October last year, on a trip to Marrakech with my mother, I fell embarassingly in love with a jumpsuit. A friend of mine Cassie (who has her own spectacular carpet company @kulchi – but that’s another story!) introduced me to Randall Bachner, a native New Yorker who had packed his bags a few years ago and headed to Marrakech to find himself.
What Randall in fact ended up founding was a small studio where local artisans created cool handwoven unisex pieces, like kaftans and this incredible jumpsuit that somehow magically fits boys and girls perfectly.
そして今現在では、ランダルの立ち上げた「Marrakshi Life」は成長し、ビジネスに成功しました。スタジオも最初に比べたら一段と大きくなってるんだって(笑)!「ML」というブランドもスタートし、リラックスしたライフスタイルと簡単おしゃれをコンセプトに始めたブランドとランダルが説明してくれました。動きのある生地感、そしてイージーなシルエットを取り入れ、少しエキゾチックな雰囲気を演出するブランドだと僕はすごく思いました。
Fast forward to now, and Randall’s company Marrakshi Life is a fully fledged fashion business with a gorgeous (and quite enormous) studio and a fashion brand called ML. “A ‘Marrakshi’ is a person living in Marrakech who exhibits a sort of relaxed pajama-wear lifestyle,” Randall explains. And you can see how this has influenced the aesthetic of the brand, with its fluid, easy shapes and mix-and-match sensibility based on luxurious comfort. This brand goes beyond design – it’s about history, texture and some kind of exotic Moroccan fantasy.
“I saw there was this tradition of making hand loomed textiles yet I didn’t see it being interpreted with good quality materials,” Randall adds. “Our goal is to make weaving ‘cool’ again by attracting young weavers.” As well as, it seems, an über hip clientele.
Having previously worked as a fashion photographer in New York City, Randall already knows what works when it comes to fashion – he totally understands cool – but working with the unique handwoven materials is a new source of inspiration. “I can visualize a piece before it has been loomed,” he says. “I can imagine how it will translate into a photograph. My ideas come from the creations of the weavings. We work with simple styles for the garments and generally repeat the styles but with variations of colour ways and stripes. Always stripes.”
Currently on the new website and store there are a few ML collections to choose from. The ML Desert collection is all about earthy colours and utilitarian shapes – the jumpsuit, the hooded jellabas, and the popular drop crotch pants.
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コレクションの中で発表された最新のコレクション「ML マリーナ」はソフトなパステルカラーと流れるようなシルエットを演出してシックに仕上がってて、日本で売れる!と思いました。服作りにこだわる人たちもや、職人技に興味と関心を持っている人たちも楽しめるアイテムもいっぱいあると思います。
But it is his latest ML collection – a stylish riff on traditional marine stripes aptly termed ML Mariner, that speaks directly to a Japanese customer who loves soft pastel tones, fluid silhouettes and a sense of ease – without forgetting the chic. Customers who love the fantasy of a handmade garment, the story that goes behind every single thread, will also buy into this.
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よかったらみんな Marrakshi Lifeのサイトをチェックしてね!
To me, this brand has something that goes beyond a mere designer label. Having had a jumpsuit handwoven to my specifications by Randall and then fit to my body, it harks back to a simpler time. And in this age of fast fashion, the ultimate luxury is to have something that has been crafted slowly, with love and care, by someone who is at the top for their trade. It ain’t couture – but I like to think of it as the next best thing. So support affordable, accessible luxury, from one of the world’s most fascinating style epicenters – and now available online.
Marrakshi Life


jason lee coates
director H3O fashion bureau, creative director

東京ベースのスタイリスト(AVGVST所属)、エディター、H3O Fashion Bureauのディレクター。日本在住9年目、オーストラリア出身。ファッションに対するアプローチは、世界に存在するユニークなファッションブランドを日本に広めて行く事。あらゆる角度からインスピレーションを得、スタイリストとして新鮮なエディトリアルを作って行く事も目標。大のシューズファン。

TOKYO クリエイティブディレクター director H3O fashion bureau creative director


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