iHearTokyo, don’t you? | jason lee coates
jason lee coates

iHearTokyo, don’t you?




A few years ago, almost every girl you talked to in Japan (and throughout Asia) was shopping on iheartokyo – the cute online fashion site that featured all of those beautiful editorial shoots. It was the place where the cool girls got their online kicks. It really was something quite new when it launched back in 2012 for Japan. Incorporating an online magazine that dealt with the arts, fashion and introduced edgy new brands through gorgeous, exclusive, cinematic photoshoots, iheartokyo was the leader in online shopping lifestyle experience.unnamed-2


And then, as often happens online, iheartokyo got tired. The brand lineup lost its finesse, and the concept lost its pizzazz. So it was time for a massive overhaul and renewal. Having just completed its renewal, iheartokyo is back with a new look and an even more gorgeous, edgy appeal. Personally, I love it, as it is so different once again to everything else on the Japanese market. Iheartokyo has its mojo back, and is once again leading the way in online retailing in Japan.



Iheartokyoには、マガジンセクションにて過去のエディトリアルが掲載されている。新しいコンセプトのエディトリアルやビデオも今後追加されていく予定だから、みんなに是非チェックしてほしい!! 皆んなご存知の、Melissaもオンラインストアで新登場。Melissaだけではなく、勢いが止まらないPony Stoneジーンズ、Niels Peeraerのバッグ達も引き続き大人気。カルトカジュアルブランドのSaint Sinも今すぐチェック。全てが新しくなったIheartを、みんなの目で体験して欲しいんだ!!

Iheartokyo still has those sweeping editorials and fascinating stories in its Magazine section, and of course its Shop selling brands like Melissa shoes (it is the official online retailer for Japan), Pony Stone jeans, Niels Peeraer bags and cult casual brand Saint Sin. But its new front page is scrollable and easy to navigate, with moving gifs and a more dynamic, modern feel. Fans of iheartokyo will love the new look, and new fans will find it fabulous and fun.


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And with its message of being ahead of the trends, diverse and non-judgemental, it’s really something I want to be aligned with. Because at the end, it’s all about heart.

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Follow it on instagram @iheartokyo


jason lee coates
director H3O fashion bureau, creative director iheartokyo.com

東京ベースのスタイリスト(AVGVST所属)、エディター、H3O Fashion Bureauのディレクター。日本在住9年目、オーストラリア出身。ファッションに対するアプローチは、世界に存在するユニークなファッションブランドを日本に広めて行く事。あらゆる角度からインスピレーションを得、スタイリストとして新鮮なエディトリアルを作って行く事も目標。大のシューズファン。

TOKYO クリエイティブディレクター director H3O fashion bureau creative director iheartokyo.com


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