While Venice might be the Italian (maybe global?) capital of romance, a few days in Florence might have you thinking differently. Because there’s a new boy in town, and he’s changing the face of a couple of Florence’s best known brands.
Alessandro Michele、もうみんなもご存知のGucciのクリエイティブディレクターだ。彼が繰り出すロマンティックで、一度見たら忘れられないコレクションの数々は、皆の記憶にも新しいはず。それを踏まえた上で、このGucci博物館は歴史に残るであろう建物の一つだと思う。
Alessandro Michele, the wünderkind creative director of Gucci, is swiftly changing the way we dress and look at fashion. With his bold, highly-emotional collections which look back to history, it makes sense, then, that this Florentine-based fashion powerhouse should redefine history.
僕はツアーに参加して色々な素敵なものを見るより、こっちのGucciの博物館に行くことを断然オススメするよ!! 新しくデザイナーに就任したAlessandro Micheleの手によって新しく生まれ変わったGucciミュージアム。とにかく写真を見て堪能してほしいな。
So while your friends follow the tourist trail to the Uffizi or Academia in Florence, it’s well worth your while to visit the Gucci Museum for fashion history 101, which has just been revamped and curated by Alessandro Michele himself.
Gucciはもうファッションブランドに留まらず、ライフスタイルの一部となっている。至る所にGucciのデザインが施された車にはもうアッパレ!! この日はたまたまGucciで買い物をしていたからフリーエントランスだったんだ。Florenceでしか味わえないとても貴重な経験だったよ。
Gucci is not just a fashion brand – it’s a way of life. I freaked out at all the glamour – there’s even a Gucci car with custom upholstery. I was in heaven. And plus, because I had been shopping at Gucci that day – oops! – I was allowed free entry. Definitely one of the coolest experiences in Florence.
ミュージアムの後に向かったのはdel Rondinelli 17に位置するRichard Ginoriの磁器のブティック。Alessandro Micheleは、このブティックのクリエイティブディレクターでもあるんだ。すべてのピースに彼の息吹が入り、まさに彼の世界観を堪能できるブティックになっているよ。どれもこれも魅力的で、葛藤と戦うのが大変だった(笑)
And because my appetite for beauty is insatiable, after the museum I tracked down the Richard Ginori porcelain boutique on via dei Rondinelli 17. Those in the know will already have discovered that this Gucci-owned classic porcelain company shares its creative designer with Gucci. Which means, every piece in the store has been overseen by Alessandro Michele and is infused with his love of history and romance.
Without a doubt this is the most magnificent boutique in Florence. Each collection takes up its own room, and there’s even a back section which celebrates pottery.
磁器でできた虫たちが今回の僕のお気に入り。蝶々や蝉などは一つ一つ手で色が加えられ、見る人の脳裏に焼きつく作品となっているよ。 今回僕が購入したのは、鳥の絵が描かれている花瓶。割らない様にここまで気をつけたバケーションも初めてだったな…
I loved the porcelain bugs – butterflies and cicadas which have been hand painted and are the perfect travel memento; and the grand Voliere collection, with its ornate gold leaves and images of colluded birds, blew me away. For the rest of my stay in Italy, I had to cart around a giant porcelain vase that I had fallen in love with.
See what I mean? Florence is love.