Super Nice!! | jason lee coates
jason lee coates

Super Nice!!


I’ve been dreaming about the French Riviera for as long as I can remember. Having seen it in countless films as a child, it’s the part of the world that has always had some kind of special magnetism for me – more so than Miami, or even Bondi (even though I am from Sydney!). For me, the Riviera is all about glamour, crystal clear water and pure chic. AND champagne!


それがつい先週、Double Standardの新しいマガジン“DSTYLE”の撮影でNiceに行って来たんだ!! それもいつも楽しいDouble Standardのメンバーでね!!

So last week, I was lucky enough to travel to Nice with the wonderful Double Standard team to shoot for their new magazine, called DSTYLE.





I can’t imagine a more magical location in the world to do a photoshoot. Every corner held a new surprise, and everything was just so pretty. My favourite view was the one above, looking down over the port from the ruined Citadel. Look at those boats!




I was shocked to see that the beach didn’t have sand – it was large rocks! Coming from Australia, where our beaches have incredible sand, I was really surprised. However when I discovered secret beaches carves into the rock cliffs later, my opinion changed. I wanted to take a dip!



夕焼けはもう息を飲むほど美しい。ダイヤモンドの様にキラキラしている。Niceは今までで訪れた中で一番と行っていいほど美しい都市だった。今回は特にDouble StandardとAvgvstのファミリー達と行く事が出来て本当にラッキーだったよ。また行きたいな!!

Look at how the sun sets over the water, glistening like diamonds! Nice was one of the most spectacularly beautiful places I have ever been, and I was so lucky to go there with my Double Standard and Avgvst family. I want to go back again!



食事ももちろん最高に美味しかった。La  Petite Maisonというレストランで食べたロブスターリングイネは未だに忘れられない最高の食事だったよ。もしNice行く機会があるとしたら是非Old Townに行ってこの素晴らしいエリアに行ってもらいたいな。

Of course I had the most incredible food there, but my mouth is still watering from the incredible Lobster Linguine from a beautiful restaurant called La Petite Maison. When you go to Nice, you must make a trip to the Old Town and visit this place – perfection!


jason lee coates
director H3O fashion bureau, creative director

東京ベースのスタイリスト(AVGVST所属)、エディター、H3O Fashion Bureauのディレクター。日本在住9年目、オーストラリア出身。ファッションに対するアプローチは、世界に存在するユニークなファッションブランドを日本に広めて行く事。あらゆる角度からインスピレーションを得、スタイリストとして新鮮なエディトリアルを作って行く事も目標。大のシューズファン。

TOKYO クリエイティブディレクター director H3O fashion bureau creative director


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