I have been going to fashion shows all over the globe for longer than I care to share, so I don’t have a problem missing a fashion show here and there. What with all the fuss at the door, the seating dramas and the endless waiting, a lot of the time going to a fashion show can be a real bore.
もちろんそれでもファッションショーを見るのは大好き。パリはGrand Palasで行われたChanelのショーは未だに目に焼き付いている。ショーが終わった後、会場の外でアウトフィットの写真を撮られる女の子たちも沢山いる。その子達を観察するのもとっても楽しいよね!! みんな素敵にドレスアップしてる。
Of course there are exceptions. Going to a Chanel show in the Grand Palais in Paris is always an unmissable experience, as much for what goes on in the show, as well as what goes on outside. I have a couple of girlfriends who spend more time outside getting photographed for their fabulous outfits than they spend inside seeing the actual show. But I’m not that kind of guy.
So when I had just returned to Tokyo from fashion week in New York this season, and was preparing to go to Paris, my favourite Thai girls, the Sretsis sisters, put on the show of a lifetime. And god am I sad that I missed out.
Sretsis is a brand that has such an incredible imagination behind it; everything is always themed and tells a wonderful, magical story each season. And even though I can’t wear the clothes myself (it has to do with me being a boy), I can totally get swept up in the excitement and fun of their collections.
今期、彼女達はメキシコから得たインスピレーションをコレクションに落とし込んでいる。ゴージャスで夢のあるアイテム達。ちょっと不思議な世界を体験できる今回のコレクション。ブラックライトで光るアイテム達を身にまとったモデル達。メイクアップのテーマは“Day of the Dead”。花嫁の様なモデルもいれば、ちょっと不気味なヒュネラルの様な格好をしたモデルも。
This season, inspired by Mexico and the Mexican concept of the afterlife, Sretsis showed a collection that was as gorgeous as it was surreal: Models paraded glow-in-the-dark clothes with makeup inspired by the “Day of the Dead”, dressed as brides or wore clothes to their own funeral. Take a look for yourself.
What intrigues me about the Sretsis girls and their collections are how fully committed they are to their universe: nothing is ever done half-way. But at the same time, they always manage to create whimsical, wearable designs that are perfect for the real world.
そうそう、ファッションショーの後スナップを撮られる女の子の多数はSretsisを着ているんだ!! とってもワールドワイドに活躍しているブランドなんだよ。
And you want to know something? Those girlfriends of mine who always get snapped outside of the Chanel show? They ALWAYS wear Sretsis!