先週の土曜日に放送された “王様のブランチ” にも取り上げられたショップ、“Sretsis Inn” にはもう行ったかな? 東京は青山に先週オープンしたばかりのコンセプトストア。日本で初のSretsis、Sretsis Jewelry、そして彼女たちの新しいラインで日本ではここでしか手に入れることが出来ないSincerely Yours By Sretsis、それにシスターズの次女が造り出すMatina Amanitaのファインジュエリーも取り扱っているんだ。
Have you visited the Sretsis Inn yet? It opened last week in the heart of Aoyama, and it’s a new concept in retail for Japan – housing under one roof for the first time ever collections from Sretsis, Sretsis Jewelry, and exclusive lines Sincerely Yours by Sretsis and Matina Amanita fine jewelry.
このショップオープンに携わることができて、とても貴重な経験をすることができたし、オープン当日の事は一生忘れられないだろう。Sretsisと仕事を始めたのはもうかれこれ4年前。その時からすでに彼女たちのショップを日本でオープンするっていうのは夢だったんだ。青山にあるMaison Kitsuneの隣にあるビルを見つけた時、僕たちH3OとSretsisチームはショップをオープンすることを決意。次のステップに踏み出した様なあの感覚は強く印象に残ってるよ。
I am so proud to be associated with this amazing store. When my company H3O first started working with Sretsis over 4 years ago, it was always our dream to open a store and portray the Sretsis universe to Japanese consumers. So when I discovered this amazing building in Aoyama (right nextdoor to Maison Kitsune), Sretsis and H3O decided to join hands and create something wonderful.
More than 6 months later, the store has opened, and its unique hotel theme (the ground floor looks like a lobby; the second floor is like a luxurious room complete with custom unicorn cloud carpet!!) is breathing a fresh air into Japanese retailing. There are so many wonderful details, you need to see them to believe them. Like the “elevator” changing room; the conversation lounge for three; the incredible Sretsis wallpaper; and of course the collections!
Unlock a world of surprises at the store, as well as exclusive collections, colourways and archive pieces.
Sretsis Inn 〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山3-15-15
Come and visit the store at:
Sretsis Inn 3-15-15 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0062
Tel: +813-5775-7550