近藤麻理恵×川原卓巳インタビュー。世界一有名な日本人、こんまり夫妻が輝く理由 vol.3
独自の片づけメソッドを執筆した著書が世界42カ国で1,200万部を突破する大ヒット、2019年には自身が出演するNetflixオリジナル番組「KonMari ~人生がときめく片づけの魔法~」がエミー賞にノミネートされ、レッドカーペットを歩いた“KonMari(こんまり)”こと近藤麻理恵。そんな“世界のこんまり”を仕掛けたプロデューサーであり彼女の夫でもある川原卓巳が自身初の書籍を上梓するのだという。出版のため来日した二人が語ってくれた、出会いから現在までのサクセスストーリーを、全三回のシリーズでお届けする。
Kondo Marie and Takumi Kawahara Interview:
The Husband and Wife Team Behind the KonMari Empire.
Marie Kondo’s books on her organizing method have sold over 12 million copies in 42 countries, and she walked the red carpet at the Emmy as a nominee for the hit Neflix series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo. Takumi Kawahara is the other half of the husband and wife team. He is the producer who made KonMari a household name worldwide and will be publishing his first book. The power couple returned to Japan for the book publication and sat with us for this three-part interview on their journey together, from their first encounter to their current success.
──こんまりメソッドでクライアントの家を片づけるネットフリックスの番組「KonMari ~人生がときめく片づけの魔法~」は卓巳さんがプロデュースしたんですよね。

──麻理恵さんは卓巳さんの本が出ることについては、どんなお気持ちですか? 彼の魅力を広く知らしめたいと思いますか?
T「あえて崩さずに呼ぶというだけで、なんだか丁寧に接することができる気がしますよね。もともとは大学生の頃から “こんまり”とあだ名で呼んでいたので、僕たちも最初はすごく違和感があったんですけど、モジモジする期間も楽しいので皆さんにおすすめします(笑)」
T「そうなんですよ! スリッパとか脱ぎ散らかすので、いつも僕が元の位置に戻すんです。意外ですよね。でも私の希望としては、元気でいてもらえればそれでいいです。もっと運動するとか、自分で自分を元気にすることを意識してほしいなとは思っています。健康第一で」
『Be Yourself -自分らしく輝いて人生を変える教科書-』
Behind the Scenes of a Worldwide Hit TV Series
──Did you set out to make Marie-san an international icon?
Takumi Kawahara (T): Not in the least. Marie-san likes to organize her home. She likes to stay at home that sparks joy, surrounded by things that spark joy.
──Takumi-san, you are the producer of the Netflix series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo where Marie-san visits her clients and tidy their homes.
T: We got the TV series offer from Netflix, right as we were exploring ways to better show the KonMari Method that couldn’t cover in the book.
──Marie-san speaks Japanese in the program with subtitles.
Marie Kondo (M) : Netflix proposed that I speak in my own words in my native tongue with the help of an interpreter, because the series was streaming in 190 countries and regions with subtitles. The biggest challenge of the show was the impossibly tight schedule. Organizing an American-size home would normally be a six-month project, but the production schedule only allowed three days to a week for a dramatic outcome, and that was grueling.
──The show was phenomenal despite the time constraint.
M: We have an amazing team.
T: We took a great deal of care in selecting the team. We asked Netflix to interview for not only the best professionals but people who also believe that KonMari Method would benefit the world. The show was a success because everybody involved either loved organizing or was tackling tidying issues of their own. The entire crew, like the light and sound technicians, witnessed the magic of tidying before their own eyes, which inspired them to organize their own surroundings. We felt the magic of tidying up when the crew would clean their own homes on their off days and share the results and positive impact at home with the team.
── That’s a great example of how Takumi-san brings out the best of Marie-san’s talents. On the other hand, you mentioned in your new book on regrets of taking on too much.
T: I go into depth on this in the book, but yes, there was a tipping point when I decided to make it my priority to minimize her stress and create an environment where she can be herself.
──Marie-san, how do you feel about Takumi-san coming out with his own book? What would you want people to know about Takumi-san?
M: It’s about time! People tell me my work is amazing, and I graciously thank them, but I’m thinking to myself, “you obviously don’t know my husband. This is all Takumi-san.” That doesn’t mean I feel the need to publicly promote Takumi-san’s talents. Right now, I no longer feel the need to prove myself. Becoming the top salesperson and writing a bestseller were goals I set, but when my book sold over million copies, I felt that it was the momentum taking its natural course, and I was just following through on it. This book is full of necessary points for navigating today’s world, and I’m confident it will reach the people and act as the guiding light for the people searching for their passion.
Finding Your Role for a Joyful Life
T: We are grateful for our international success, but I am by no means an exceptional individual. I think typical success stories are more or less a work of fiction. Traditionally, a person in my role would have faded into the background and remained anonymous, but success is not just about being in the spotlight. The key to a joyful life is finding your own role, no matter how small or what the role entails.
When Marie-san wrote her first book, she told me, “I didn’t write this book. The book wrote itself because it had to be written.” I didn’t understand her at the time, but that’s exactly how I feel about my book. There was an issue that had to be addressed, and I happened to be the voice to speak it.
──Perhaps Takumi-san’s book will outrank Marie-san on the bestseller list.
M: Success of Takumi-san’s book can’t be measured simply by the number of copies sold. My books had very set sales goals, but Takumi-san is far more focused on how this book will impact its readers.
── You understand and respect each other in a way only a true partner could. Were there many ups and downs getting to this point?
M: We rarely get into emotional fights. We’ve always discussed things rationally.
T: We do have small fights all the time, but we address issue without sweeping them under the rug and look for a solution together. I don’t have to play guessing games with Marie-san because she will let me know exactly what is bothering her. Having this trust is very liberating and I appreciate that as her partner.
──The way you call each other Marie-san* and Takumi-san shows your deep mutual respect.
(*san is a semi-formal honorific title)
M: This goes back to my uncle and his wife who called each other with san. As a little girl, I found this to be beautiful and even address my younger sister with a san. There’s an uplifting sense of joy in using the honorific form at home and suggested we adopt the custom to Takumi-san.
T: When you address each other respectfully, you naturally treat each other in such manners. It took a little getting used to because I had been calling her KonMari since college, but even the slight awkwardness of the transition period was fun, so I would recommend it.
──Is there anything you would want to change about each other?
M: I can’t think of anything because we usually just work out issues as they come up. Of course, there are small things like the way he slurps his tea a little too loudly, but I’m in no position to criticize because I have bad habits of my own as well.
T: You would never believe me, but Marie-san is terrible about leaving her slippers everywhere! I pick up after her and return them to where they belong. My only wish for her is that she takes better care of herself, like work out more. Staying healthy is all I ask from her.
──What are your current goals?
M: We are hoping to spend more time with our children.
T: The four months I spent writing this while running our business was tough, but I’m grateful that the book is coming out and it brought us back to Japan. You never know what life has in store for you. If you want to change or you want to live as your authentic self, you have to be the one to turn on that switch, and infinite possibilities will open up. I hope this book will help people turn on that switch, and that would bring me pure joy.
Another thing that brought me joy today was that a bestselling author, Marie-san, spoke so highly of my first book. I’ll have to be extra nice to her for this.
Be Yourself- A Lesson in Attaining Success in Your Style.
There is no need to try to be more than who you are to attain success. You can always start living a more fulfilling life as your authentic self. The producer who pushed Marie Kondo to a household name across the globe shares his take on how to be yourself and make a difference through his experience in marketing the KonMari Method® and Japanese contents internationally. A must-read guide for a life fulfilled with joy.
Author: Takumi Kawahara
Price: ¥1,600
Publisher: Diamond Publishing
Publish Date: December 2, 2020
Photos:Takao Iwasawa
Styling:Nozomi Urushibara, Leonard Arceo
Hair & Make-up:Kanako Io
Coordination & Interview:Maki Konikson
Edit & Text:Chiho Inoue, Mariko Kimbara
Translation:Naomi Mugita
Special Thanks:The Tokyo Edition Tranomon

Organizing Consultant. Her book series The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying have been translated and published in over forty countries and sold 12 million copies total. She has brought on a global tidying phenomenon and was listed as Time magazine’s 2015“The 100 Most Influential People” and nominated for Emmy Awards for her namesake Netflix series. Her latest book, Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life (co-author Scott Sonenshein. Translation Hideko Furukusa. Published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha) came out in September 2020.

KonMari Media Inc. CEO and producer. Kawahara began his career as a human resources strategy, business building and career consultant at a human resource agency. He has been Kondo’s partner, both domestic and professionally since 2013 and has taken on her management as well as launch the KonMari Method® worldwide. The couple relocated to the US in 2016, and he now runs the global KonMari brand as well as act as the executive producer for the hit Netflix TV series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo.