近藤麻理恵×川原卓巳インタビュー。世界一有名な日本人、こんまり夫妻が輝く理由 vol.1
独自の片づけメソッドを執筆した著書が世界42カ国で1,200万部を突破する大ヒット、2019年には自身が出演するNetflixオリジナル番組「KonMari ~人生がときめく片づけの魔法~」がエミー賞にノミネートされ、レッドカーペットを歩いた“KonMari(こんまり)”こと近藤麻理恵。そんな“世界のこんまり”を仕掛けたプロデューサーであり彼女の夫でもある川原卓巳が自身初の書籍を上梓するのだという。出版のため来日した二人が語ってくれた、出会いから現在までのサクセスストーリーを、全三回のシリーズでお届けする。
Kondo Marie and Takumi Kawahara Interview:
The Husband and Wife Team Behind the KonMari Empire.
Marie Kondo’s books on her organizing method have sold over 12 million copies in 42 countries, and she walked the red carpet at the Emmy as a nominee for the hit Neflix series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo. Takumi Kawahara is the other half of the husband and wife team. He is the producer who made KonMari a household name worldwide and will be publishing his first book. The power couple returned to Japan for the book publication and sat with us for this three-part interview on their journey together, from their first encounter to their current success.

川原卓巳(以下T)「僕はもうご存知の通り『ちっちゃい!』というのが第一印象です。就活のイベントなのに彼女はワンピースにジャケットというなんだかキラキラした雰囲気で、渡された名刺はピンク色で角が丸くカットされ、“片づけコンサルタント 近藤麻理恵”と書かれていました」


──素敵! それでご結婚され、二人で会社も設立したんですか?
『Be Yourself -自分らしく輝いて人生を変える教科書-』
Encounter on the Elevator
──First, can you tell us how you met each other?
Marie Kondo (K) : I first met Takumi-san in an elevator hall. It was my senior year in college and I was attending a career conference. I was taking an elevator to leave, and he was there waiting for the elevator I was getting off. A mutual friend introduced us, and we exchanged business cards. Takumi-san was wearing a badge on his suit pocket that said, “YUME (Dream)”and I remember thinking, “wow, this guy’s on fire!”
Takumi Kawahara (T): You would probably agree with me, but my first impression of Marie-san was, “She’s so tiny!” She was gleaming at the career conference in her ultra-feminine dress and jacket setup and handed me a pink business card with rounded corners that said, “Marie Kondo Organizing Consultant”.
M: I was already carrying business cards because I began working as an organization consultant from my second year in college. I grew up in a home with a father with an office job and a stay-at-home mother. My interest in housework began from my mother, who took joy in everything she did at home. At five years old, I was an avid reader of home magazines, and tidying was my favorite topic. By middle school, I was going to libraries to research on organization and tidying.
T: She says this so casually, but that’s pretty incredible. When I was five, I was running around in shorts and t-shirts, eating chocolate bars just for their collectible trading cards. As for my middle school years, I have nothing worthy of sharing. I was born in Hiroshima, on an island only 27 km long, and my grandfathers were a fisherman and a farmer respectively. I grew up surrounded by nature until my family moved to a naval self-defense force base in Kure, where my father worked as an officer, and was there until I turned eighteen.
──Did you have a dream?
T:Not at all. I was a desperately combing through magazines for trends follow and had no clue as to who I was or how I wanted to live. Quite the opposite of Marie-san. I was awe-struck with the big city when I came to Tokyo on my high school senior trip and decided to attend college there.
M: Most of my high school years were spent obsessing over organizing my house. College was great because my friends had their own apartments I could visit and tidy. Before long, people started saying, “Ask KonMari-chan over and she will transform your house.” That’s how tidying became a job.
──The name KonMari goes back that far?
M: I’ve been KonMari since I was twelve.
──Takumi-san, did you stand out as a child?
T: I was actually shy until the fourth grade. Perhaps it was because of the area I was from, but I went through some bullying because kids thought I was too square. To avoid being targeted, I started being louder.
Passion to be Number One
──You both started your careers as new hires. How did you start dating and end up married?
M: I didn’t see organizing as a full-time career at the time, so I applied for jobs in entry-level sales positions was hired by a recruiting agency. Sales agents were ranked by the new cases we closed and I decided to become the top sales agent. I called Takumi-san, who I knew was in a similar industry in a similar position, and asked him to introduce me to his clients.
T: She called me at eleven at night. I was shocked. She demanded straight forward, “Introduce me to your clients. I want to make top sales, I want to be the MVP.”
M: But soon after, he took me along when he was going on a client visit.
T: No, I made that appointment just for you!
M: Well yes, he kindly made some arrangements for me, I closed the deal and was became the MVP. After that, we emailed each other about once a year just to keep in touch.
T: Then I was transferred to Osaka, and she quit her job.
M: Yes. Organizing was my side business, but it kept growing, and I left my sales job after two years. My organization seminars were booked six months in advance, and clients began requesting for written versions of the seminars. To write a book, I signed up for a six-month publication training course, “How to write a bestseller that will be loved for a decade.” My book proposal won the course’s final presentation competition. All eight publishers judging the competition bid to publish my book.
──Takumi-san, what were you doing then?
T: I was working around the clock in sales, from the first to last train. I was also into minimizing and threw out my TV, so I had no idea that Marie-san was making TV appearances. She sent me a message that she had written a book, so I went to picked up a copy out of courtesy as a friend,but blown away after reading it. It was not simply a book on home organization, but a book on changing a lifestyle. I told her that based on my experience in the HR industry, people pay to attend self-improvement lifestyle change seminars, and that her method was exactly that only done at home.
After that, I was just like everyone else and witnessed her book become a bestseller. Then Marie-san contacted me when she was coming to Osaka to give a talk, so I showed her around town and went to dinners, and we eventually began dating. It was seven years since we first met.
──Was there a trigger that took you beyond friendship?
T: It just happened naturally. I was 28 or 29, my job in Osaka was going well, and was at a point in life where I could think of the future.
──This also naturally led to marriage?
M: Marriage was on the table from the time we started dating. He had told me, let’s enjoy a year of dating, and that’s exactly what we did. That was such a fun year for us.
──Did Takumi-san propose a year later as promised?
T: The night before New Year’s Eve, we were having tea after dinner and saying what a great year it had been, and she asked me, “What do you want to do in the coming year?” We had been together for a year and I wanted to propose, but I couldn’t afford an engagement ring. I kept putting off the proposal because I wouldn’t be able to save enough any time soon. I finally told Marie-san honestly about the ring.
M: I told him that I already had a particular ring in mind. I asked him if he could propose to me with my grandmother’s engagement ring.
──That’s romantic! And you got married and launched your company together.
T: Yes, and hearing more about her work made it clear just how stretched thin she was. She was drowning in mundane tasks like going through massive amount of emails or scrambling to shut down her online registration for a seminar that sold out in three seconds.
Back then, Marie-san would say, “I don’t want to be the only one organizing, I need more people to do this professionally” and I thought I could make that happen. At first, I was just helping out as a volunteer, but her projects started taking up more time than my day job. I explained the situation to my boss and he courage me to pursue my new venture. He told me, “That’s something only you can do. Go make it happen” and he nudged me out the door.
>> To be continued to Part 2.
Be Yourself- A Lesson in Attaining Success in Your Style.
There is no need to try to be more than who you are to attain success. You can always start living a more fulfilling life as your authentic self. The producer who pushed Marie Kondo to a household name across the globe shares his take on how to be yourself and make a difference through his experience in marketing the KonMari Method® and Japanese contents internationally. A must-read guide for a life fulfilled with joy.
Author: Takumi Kawahara
Price: ¥1,600
Publisher: Diamond Publishing
Publish Date: December 2, 2020
Photos:Takao Iwasawa
Styling:Nozomi Urushibara, Leonard Arceo
Hair & Make-up:Kanako Io
Coordination & Interview:Maki Konikson
Edit & Text:Chiho Inoue, Mariko Kimbara
Translation:Naomi Mugita
Special Thanks:The Tokyo Edition, Tranomon

Organizing Consultant. Her book series The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying have been translated and published in over forty countries and sold 12 million copies total. She has brought on a global tidying phenomenon and was listed as Time magazine’s 2015“The 100 Most Influential People” and nominated for Emmy Awards for her namesake Netflix series. Her latest book, Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life (co-author Scott Sonenshein. Translation Hideko Furukusa. Published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha) came out in September 2020.

KonMari Media Inc. CEO and producer. Kawahara began his career as a human resources strategy, business building and career consultant at a human resource agency. He has been Kondo’s partner, both domestic and professionally since 2013 and has taken on her management as well as launch the KonMari Method® worldwide. The couple relocated to the US in 2016, and he now runs the global KonMari brand as well as act as the executive producer for the hit Netflix TV series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo.