近藤麻理恵×川原卓巳インタビュー。世界一有名な日本人、こんまり夫妻が輝く理由 vol.2 | Numero TOKYO
Interview / Post

近藤麻理恵×川原卓巳インタビュー。世界一有名な日本人、こんまり夫妻が輝く理由 vol.2

独自の片づけメソッドを執筆した著書が世界42カ国で1,200万部を突破する大ヒット、2019年には自身が出演するNetflixオリジナル番組「KonMari ~人生がときめく片づけの魔法~」がエミー賞にノミネートされ、レッドカーペットを歩いた“KonMari(こんまり)”こと近藤麻理恵。そんな“世界のこんまり”を仕掛けたプロデューサーであり彼女の夫でもある川原卓巳が自身初の書籍を上梓するのだという。出版のため来日した二人が語ってくれた、出会いから現在までのサクセスストーリーを、全三回のシリーズでお届けする。


Kondo Marie and Takumi Kawahara Interview:
The Husband and Wife Team Behind the KonMari Empire.

Marie Kondo’s books on her organizing method have sold over 12 million copies in 42 countries, and she walked the red carpet at the Emmy as a nominee for the hit Neflix series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo. Takumi Kawahara is the other half of the husband and wife team. He is the producer who made KonMari a household name worldwide and will be publishing his first book. The power couple returned to Japan for the book publication and sat with us for this three-part interview on their journey together, from their first encounter to their current success.

>> English Text


















T「満塁ホームランを打つタイプです。本番に向けて、全てを集中させることができるけど、打たないときはバッターボックスにすら立たない。『なんで立つの?』って聞かれちゃうので、マネージャーとしてはめちゃくちゃ大変です。『試合です! ボール来てますっ!』と急かしても彼女は優雅にティーを飲んでいたりします(笑)。それでも『やってくれる』と信じて待つんですけど、講演1分前までその状態だとさすがに焦ります。『今日はもう駄目かもしれない。代わりにカツラをかぶって出るか……』と覚悟した局面も過去にはありました(笑)」








(近藤着用)ドレス¥76,459 タートルネックトップ¥10,281 カフ 参考商品/すべてNanushka(ヒラオインク 03-5771-8809) リング〈ゴールド〉¥45,000 〈ダイヤモンド〉 ¥200,000/ともに Aliita(パラグラフ 03-5734-1247) サイドゴアブーツ¥87,000/MSGM(アオイ) (川原着用)ジャケット¥68,000/Forsomeone(フォーサムワン フラッグシップ ストア 03-5708-5838) パンツ¥42,000/Discovered(ディスカバード 03-3463-3082) シャツ¥32,000/MSGM(アオイ 03-3239-0341)
(近藤着用)ドレス¥76,459 タートルネックトップ¥10,281 カフ 参考商品/すべてNanushka(ヒラオインク 03-5771-8809) リング〈ゴールド〉¥45,000 〈ダイヤモンド〉 ¥200,000/ともに Aliita(パラグラフ 03-5734-1247) サイドゴアブーツ¥87,000/MSGM(アオイ) (川原着用)ジャケット¥68,000/Forsomeone(フォーサムワン フラッグシップ ストア 03-5708-5838) パンツ¥42,000/Discovered(ディスカバード 03-3463-3082) シャツ¥32,000/MSGM(アオイ 03-3239-0341)







『Be Yourself -自分らしく輝いて人生を変える教科書-』


The Unexpected Relocation.

──What motivated your move to the US after you got married?

Takumi Kawahara (T): Marie-san’s first book came out in 2010, and in 2014 there was an offer for the American edition. We were happy to sign but didn’t have high hopes for it. We had never lived abroad and assumed that all American people lived in large homes and had no issues with home organization. We didn’t speak any English and had zero plan of relocating. But during the book signing tour, we met many people who truly appreciated the book and realized that many apartments in cities like New York or San Francisco were not much different in size from the houses in Japan.

──So you initially had no interest in relocating?

Marie Kondo (M) : Initially, we were just going on business trips to see our publisher in San Francisco.

T: Relocation was not in our plan. In 2015, Marie-san’s book came out in 40 countries, starting with the US, followed by UK, France, Germany and Italy and we ended up spending half of the year overseas. At the same time, we were blessed with our first child.

──Your daughter was born in Japan?

T: Yes, and we had to leave her with her grandmother to go on our business trips. We were with our child for less than half of the year and had to think hard if continuing this lifestyle made us happy. We came to the conclusion that living and working in the US would secure us more time to spend as a family and decided to relocate in 2016.

──How did you get over the language barrier?

T: We left Japan without any time to brush up on our English, so we found a tutor after we arrived. Studying with a non-Japanese speaking teacher was a challenge, but I enjoy communicating with people, so it didn’t take too long to learn enough to manage my business. Marie-san on the other hand had a harder time.

M: The tutor would come to our house four times a week, and she would tell me to talk about anything I want to, but the lessons went nowhere because there wasn’t much that I wanted to talk about. Forcing myself to make up stories and carry on conversations was exhausting. After a year and a half of these lessons, I was asked to give a talk without an interpreter. It was for an audience of 2500 (South by Southwest 2017), at an event where people like Mark Zuckerberg were the speakers. My listening comprehension had improved, but my speech level was nowhere near fluent, so I wrote out and memorized the one-hour script verbatim.

T: Looking back, I realize I was asking too much from her, and our relationship wasn’t in a great place either. She had her face buried in the script, listening to the audio script and mumbling the lines to herself. We barely talked, and I was guilt stricken watching her.

M:I was a mess because I had just given birth to my second child, and she came only a year after my first. I’m not good at nor enjoy giving talks, but it was already booked, and I had no choice but to do it. All I could do was memorize word for word, because I had no way out if I went completely blank on stage.

T: She decided that if she’s going to do it, she wanted to be amazing, which she was. She even cracked a few jokes on stage, but it was nerve-wracking, and I swore I would never do this to her again.

Being Professional and Private Partners

──Do you perform well under pressure, Marie-san?

M: I like to think so. I’ll hit if I’m up at bat.

T: She’ll hit a full-base homerun. She can be completely focused when it counts, but if she’s not up for it, she won’t even go up to bat. She’ll just ask, “why would I have to do that?” As her manager, I would have to beg her, “please, you are up next!” and she would be elegantly sipping her tea or something. I trust her to deliver, but it can get scary when she’s still not in the mood a minute before she has to be on stage. There were moments I contemplated getting myself a wig and standing-in as Marie-san.

──Jokes aside, KonMari is now a popular Halloween costume. You’ve really made it if you’ve reached this level of fame.

T: We are grateful that Marie-san was nominated as 2015’s Time magazine, “The 100 Most Influential People”, in 2016 we moved to the US, and in 2017 she was a speaker in South by Southwest and had over 400 offers weekly. There were times when I was overwhelmed and prioritized the business even when I knew she was breaking under stress.

──Were there times Marie-san would say no to jobs Takumi-san brought?

M: I said no all the time.

T: Her default was a no. To get a yes, I had to be very strategic about how and when to present the jobs to her. I would wait for that perfect timing and then slide it in quickly. It was a tough period for us because she was exhausted and deserved a longer maternity leave, but we were at point in our business where we couldn’t stop. It still breaks my heart when I look back at that period.

──You were a manager first, and husband second. Has that changed?

T: Yes. Marie-san and I often talk about how our work is not just about making profit. The organization method she developed has touched many people’s lives, as a result that has made our lives better. However, if we are too busy, or not happy, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate any of it. I’ve come to a point where we could quit this any time, because it’s not worth sacrificing our happiness. We’ve gotten this far together because she trusts me as a partner, both professionally and as her husband.

──Marie-san, what do you think of Takumi-san who is both your husband and your manager?

M: He is absolutely fantastic. He’s got such a positive attitude and he sees things as they are. I’m always impressed with how strong his mental state is and how he can see things clearly. If Takumi-san chose a job with a purpose, I know it’s worth giving it my best effort. I trust him to choose things only in my best interest, and I truly appreciate that.

T: I’m glad to know that we are on the same page.

──Are you glad you moved to the US?

T: I can’t imagine it any other way.

>> To be continued to Part 3.

Be Yourself- A Lesson in Attaining Success in Your Style.
There is no need to try to be more than who you are to attain success. You can always start living a more fulfilling life as your authentic self. The producer who pushed Marie Kondo to a household name across the globe shares his take on how to be yourself and make a difference through his experience in marketing the KonMari Method® and Japanese contents internationally. A must-read guide for a life fulfilled with joy.

Author: Takumi Kawahara
Price: ¥1,600
Publisher: Diamond Publishing
Publish Date: December 2, 2020

Photos:Takao Iwasawa
Styling:Nozomi Urushibara, Leonard Arceo
Hair & Make-up:Kanako Io
Coordination & Interview:Maki Konikson
Edit & Text:Chiho Inoue, Mariko Kimbara
Translation:Naomi Mugita
Special Thanks:The Tokyo Edition Tranomon


近藤麻理恵 Marie Kondo 片づけコンサルタント。著書『人生がときめく片づけの魔法』は世界40カ国以上で翻訳出版され、シリーズ累計1,200万部を超えるベストセラーに。2015年にタイム誌「世界で最も影響力のある100人」に選出、ネットフリックスで自身の冠番組を持ちエミー賞にノミネートされるなど、世界中に片づけブームを巻き起こしている。2020年9月に最新刊『Joy at Work 片づけでときめく働き方を手に入れる』(共著/スコット・ソネンシェイン、訳/古草秀子、発行/河出書房新社)を上梓。

Organizing Consultant. Her book series The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying have been translated and published in over forty countries and sold 12 million copies total. She has brought on a global tidying phenomenon and was listed as Time magazine’s 2015“The 100 Most Influential People” and nominated for Emmy Awards for her namesake Netflix series. Her latest book, Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life (co-author Scott Sonenshein. Translation Hideko Furukusa. Published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha) came out in September 2020.
川原卓巳 Takumi Kawahara KonMari Media, Inc. CEO、プロデューサー。人材コンサルティング会社でキャリアコンサルティングや、企業向けビジネス構築、人材戦略のコンサルティングを行う。2013年から公私ともにパートナーである近藤麻理恵のマネージメントを本格的に始め、「こんまり®メソッド」の世界展開を仕掛ける。16年よりアメリカに移住し、世界規模での“KonMari”ブランドの構築やマーケティングを手がけるほか、ネットフリックス オリジナル TVシリーズ「KonMari~人生がときめく片づけの魔法~」のエグゼクティブプロデューサーも務める。

KonMari Media Inc. CEO and producer. Kawahara began his career as a human resources strategy, business building and career consultant at a human resource agency. He has been Kondo’s partner, both domestic and professionally since 2013 and has taken on her management as well as launch the KonMari Method® worldwide. The couple relocated to the US in 2016, and he now runs the global KonMari brand as well as act as the executive producer for the hit Netflix TV series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo.


MARCH 2025 N°184

2025.1.28 発売

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