Top: Envym Hat: k3 Necklace: Mawi Bodysuit: American Apparel Shoes: Aldo Lips: Makeupforever
でも2014年現在、腹筋をしようとしても頭しか上がらず、到底最後まで起き上がれないのです。まるで誰かが上に乗っかって、私の邪魔をしているみたいな気さえしました。たぶん、私のMac Airが胸を強く押していたのでは?なんて思ったのは、姿勢の悪い状態で1日20時間以上も座っていることが多いから。そこでミーシャは高い位置から自分の力でゆっくり上体を降ろして行くことから始めてみることにしました。半分やったところで力つきてばたんきゅー。
そして今言えることは…腹筋ができるようになった! (1回以上。笑) それから腕立て伏せも!また、前より姿勢もよくなりました。どうやら、前はなかったインナーマスッルがついてきたようです。
ビフォー、アフター WEEK 2 特に痩せてはいないが、少し腹筋の復活かも?!
When you dress for the trends, they remember the clothes. When you dress for yourself, they remember the girl.
The cool thing about being in the creative industry is that when you come up against a “wall”, all you need to do is come up with a clever idea or something crazy that people don’t understand (seriously) and that wall bends away for you. Problem solved! Because you’re creative!
But in fitness and diet, when you come up against a “wall”, the only thing you can do is push the &%$#+ wall down …with *physical* strength. It’s so black and white. You can or you can’t.
And oh my god is that hard. Especially when you’re someone like me who has barely any upper body strength, much less enough to push a wall down. Basically, I`m in the “can’t” group.
I came against several of these walls early in my fitness regimen. I am trying to do circuit training, which looks extremely easy on the outside (a few jumping jacks here, split lunges there) but you have no idea how hard it can get. So when it came time to do 10 push ups I thought easy-peasy, I can do that…. well I fell flat on my face. Like, BAM. The yoga mat saved my schnozz from guaranteed plastic surgery.
Alright, fine…so I`ll have to work on pushups, I thought.
So then I tried 20 sit ups. I was mad good at situps when I was younger, I was always the fitness monkey in gym class. I did gymnastics, ballet, jazz, tap…
But fast-forward to 2014 and I could barely get my head off the ground to activate my abs, much less go ALL the way up. It WAS NOT happening. It was like someone was sitting on top me, preventing me from going any higher. I imagined it was my Mac Air pushing on my chest, since I sit hunched over it 20 hours a day. That bad posture is probably why I have no ab muscles anymore. …so I tried starting from the up position and lowering myself down slowly and I`d only get half-way before falling *PLOP* on my back.
What happened?? I had no idea that muscles were THAT important for such simple exercises…or that these muscles go away. No wonder my posture is so bad! Did you know that simply standing up straight can make you look 2 or 3kg slimmer? But if you don’t have the abs and back muscles to hold you up, you won’t even be able to stand up straight (as I have proved).
I worked hard at strengthening my arms and abs the past two weeks…. it was so hard. And painful. I think I cried at least twice. Embarrassing, even.
And I can say that after that… I can do a sit up! (even MORE than 1, hah) as well as a push up! YES. And I find myself standing up straighter because I can feel the muscles in my core activating that I didn’t have before.
This was an incredible victory and has given me motivation to keep going. I`ll probably be crying a few more times before this is all done.
And all I can say is, I am SO glad I work in a creativity-driven industry instead of one for braun. So ALL OF YOU walls, better watch out.