スキニーファット脱出ダイエット!WEEK 1 | Misha Janette
Misha Janette

スキニーファット脱出ダイエット!WEEK 1

スポーティモードに夢中!今日は靴:Adidas SLVR レギンズとスコート:H&M インナーブラ:AGOSTO アウターブラ:BOY(韓国) キャップとアームスカーフ:discord by YOHJI YAMAMOTO ブレス: miumiu















Misha: 嘘だー!太ってるのなんて想像つかないよ!

Friend: クジラみたいに大きかったんだよ!水泳部だったから!ほんと太ってた!

Misha: ええ?




自分のことを国際的な人間だと自負しているミーシャからすると、他の国はみな、メリハリのある健康フィットボディの女性が素敵とされています。(決してボディビルダーのようなムキムキボディって意味じゃなくて。) もし、ただ細くなりたいだけならもっと簡単。食べなければいいんだもの。でも、だからこそ私は今の等身大の自分、”スキニーファット”からスタートするのです。






BEFORE (WEEK 1) スキニーファット脱出できるのか?!


PH: Celia Humphries

When people talk about working *hard* to *get* hard I always kinda laughed. How hard was it really to sit there at the bicycle machine and pedal away while I watch some American TV show or check instagram on my iPhone? The machine calculated that I burned 300 calories. Great!! And I was sweating for sure (well, sometimes…. sometimes I just didn’t put my HEART into pedaling and just barely broke a sweat. But I still “burned” 300 calories. Woo-hoo!). So exercising isn’t hard, I thought. But I kinda felt like the machine was lying to me. Ok, I *knew* it was lying to me. Like a boyfriend trying to cover his ass. Only lie to me if I ASK you to lie to me, ok, machine??

And even if I input myself as a 56 year old man instead of a 30 year old female, I got the same outcome: 300 calories for 15km of pedaling. This was fishy…science says that can’t be true. I was seriously pedaling to nowhere.

And even worse, even though I thought I was working hard, I was still skinny fat.

Skinny fat is technically a  which means that a person looks rather average and slim on the outside, but their fat hides in crevices  between and around organs on the inside. It is not healthy, it is certainly a deceiving lie, and it made me feel tired and slow.

I live in Tokyo and so I often must  by the societal norms of Tokyo. That means understanding some weird definitions of “fat”. In Japan, someone who is muscular, but has big “swimmer” or “beyonce” legs will still be “fat”. Why do I say this?

Misha’s English/Japanese/French trilingual Japanese friend on when she used to be “fat”:

Friend: “Oh my god when I was in HS I was SO FAT.”

Misha: “No way I can’t imagine you even being fat.”

Friend: “I was a whale! I was on the swimteam and my thighs were huge! So fat!”

Misha: “Wut.”

The idea that having muscles is the same as being fat to women in japan really makes me scared for everyone’s health..and my mental state.

I consider myself a global woman, and the rest of the world thankfully celebrates women who have fit bodies. That doesn’t mean bodybuilding, it just means getting some definition. If my only goal were to be to get skinny, that could easily be achieved by starving. But then I would be exactly where I started: skinny fat.

I don’t expect everyone to join me right away, because its not going to be easy. Not easy enough to do while reading emails and watching TV on my iPhone anyway. But maybe when I’m done you’ll wonder if “skinny fat” is really better than “skinny fit”. All I ask for are words of encouragement!


misha janette
fashion journalist , stylist , blogger
米国生まれ、2004年来日。文化服装学院卒業。スーパーブロガーとして注目され「東京ファッションダイアリー」は BoFの「世界のファッション業界を動かしている500人」に入選。クールで個性的なおしゃれイズムを追求する日々を送る。
Born in USA, graduated from Bunka Fashion College. A member of BoF’s “500 people changing the global industry” as a blogger for her bilingual “Tokyo Fashion Diaries” blog. “Style” is in the eye of the beholder.


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