Hokusai Exposed in London | Andrea Frugani
Andrea Frugani

Hokusai Exposed in London






エキシビションの地区はSpitalfields っていう今人気あるヴィンテージ、ニューファッション、アートの街で、本当に素敵なところだから、また今度Spitalfieldsのファッションについて書きます。

Last week I went to the “Hokusai Exposed” exhibition here in London at The Old Truman Brewery, in Spitalfields, a very nice area with vintage clothes shops, street art, fresh forward thinking fashion and many design stores. I will write about this area next time because is really lovely♥



たこ焼きも発見しましたぁ! でも込んでいたから、食べられなかった。(sad)


The exhibition was simply great, the Hokusai’s iconic works were presented using a process of digital remastering to produce his works much closer to the original prints.

But the amazing part was downstair, where visitors had to walk through the darkness with only an old Japanese style chochin lanterns in their hands, to discover the re-created prints of Hokusai’s shunga and “horror” sketches.



Some of the shunga pieces have been also recreate in 3D video, that was incredible, well done!


As the press release says:  “Re-create is a concept and innovative technology developed in Japan by award-winning scientist and author Dr. Shinichi Fukuoka. Using cutting-edge digital mastering and UV printing technology, re-create seeks to replicate the colour and details of works of art when they were first painted or printed, allowing the user to get a sense of the impact of the original work and the intent of the artist.”


「re-create」 とは、複製でもなく、模倣でもない。あるいは洗浄や修復でもありません。

「re-create」 とは、文字通り、再創造です。作家の世界観・生命観を最新のデジタル画像技術によって翻訳した新たな創作物です。


Watch also the exhibition’s trailer.










andrea frugani
Creative, PR & Communication Manager at Calzedonia Japan
Instagram: @andykandy__

Born in Italy, lived in London and currently in Tokyo. Japan lover, shopaholic. Love travel, design and beauty in general. Stay tuned!


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