ゾイ・グロスマンにインタビュー「この業界の美の部分だけにとらわれないでね」 | Numero TOKYO
Interview / Post



『Numero TOKYO(ヌメロ・トウキョウ)』2019年7・8月合併号で、表紙とファッションストーリーを手がけてくれたフォトグラファーのゾイ・グロスマン(Zoey Grossman)。ヘイリー・ビーバー(Hailey Bieber)とともにカバーを飾ったのは、彼女が支援する動物保護施設の子犬たち。ハリウッドセレブやトップモデルも信頼を寄せる彼女の撮影エピソードや動物との関係について聞いた。

Click here for Zoey Grossman's English interview.


──今日の撮影(「ヌメロ・トウキョウ」2019年7・8月合併号)はどうでしたか? 「素晴らしかった! いい撮影だったと思います」 ──この撮影のために、ゾイ自身が動物たちを自ら手配されたそうですね。 「『動物の権利保護』は情熱を注いでいることの一つなので、この撮影は私にとってすごく意味がありました。『Animal Hope and Wellness』という団体の活動を手伝っていますが、彼らは犬を始めとする虐待されている動物の保護を行なっています。『Animal Hope and Wellness』は私が心から信奉している団体。創立者のマーク・チン(Marc Ching)は本当に素晴らしく、献身的な人なんです。虐待されているケースや、不法の食肉用マーケットなど、世界中で恐ろしい状況に面している動物たちを救出することを使命としています。世の中をより良い場所にするため、彼は自分の命を懸けて戦っている、といっても過言ではありません。 私自身、マークにものすごくインスピレーションを受けています。今回の動物特集(動物保護)のお話があったとき、マークの活動と彼が救出している犬たちがすぐに頭に浮かんできたんです。いまやファッション業界でも動物の権利保護という意識がだんだん芽生えて来ています。私は本当に動物が大好きなので、今回の話は個人としての琴線に触れるものでした。だからマキ(フォト・ディレクター 齋藤真紀)から話をもらったとき『是非!!』と。本当にこの特集に参加できて、嬉しいです。心から大切に思っている案件なんです。今日の撮影のための犬たちをこの団体から借りてきたのは、そんな理由なんです」



──この団体とはどのようにして出会ったんですか? 一緒に活動するようになったきっかけは?

「母が犬のトレーナーだったんです。母も犬のレスキューに深く関わっている人でした。だから私も小さい頃からそのことを知っていたし、犬を始めとした動物に囲まれ、レスキューして彼らを助ける、というのが普通のことだった。『Animal Hope and Wellness』の創立者マークの活動を手伝うようになったのも、もともと母が知り合いだったからです」







「カンガルーね!(笑) なんらかの危機にさらされた希少種で、エキゾチックな動物を撮影に取り入れ、見る人の意識を刺激したかったんです。見慣れている犬とか猫とは違う動物を目の前にする。そんな要素も取り入れたくて、犬に関しては私が携わっているレスキュー団体から連れてきました。



「ヘイリーは素晴らしかったですよ! すごくリラックスしていたし、でもちゃんとクリエイティブな気持ちを持っていてくれて。撮っている写真を見ては『次はこんなことしたい!』ってたくさん提案してくれました。動物ってなかなか一筋縄には撮影できないものですが、ヘイリーはとても寛容で、コラボレーションに積極的に取り組んでくれたし、いいショットになるよう、違ったポーズをとってくれたり。とにかく動物たちにはすごく穏やかに、忍耐強く接してくれたのですごく助かりました。この撮影にはヘイリーがぴったりでしたね。私たちのコンセプトを理解して、臨んでくれた」





──クリエイティブな写真撮影と動物保護とレスキューというのはまったく違うチャンネルのような気もします。その二つの要素はあなたの中でどのようなバランスを保っているんでしょう? 生きていく中での軸となるような、例えば自分の動物がいたりするんですか?














とにかく自分自身がオープンでいること、下手に自尊心に邪魔させないこと。コラボレートしていく一員として、皆に親切に、寛容にすること。そういう中で雰囲気を溶かしていければと思っています。人もそれに呼応してくれるんです。そういう環境を作り出すことにまず努力します。撮影に来た最初はすごく守りに入っている人も少なくありません。挨拶をして『いい撮影にしましょう! あなたがどんなことをしたいかも、ぜひ教えてください』といって彼らのアイデアも聞き出す。自分だけの世界観で臨まないとうこと。そんなふうにやって来ました。全部が全部ではないけれど、だいたいうまくいっていますよ」




「そうですね……コマーシャルワークをたくさんこなすフォトグラファーの中でも尊敬しているのは、イネス&ヴィヌードやマート&マーカスといったすごくアーティスト性のある人たちなんです。コマーシャルの仕事にも彼らの世界観を持ち込める人たち。私もそんなところを視野に自分の世界を広げ、前進し続けたいと思っています。常にエキサイティングでクリエイティブなことをし続けていきたい。同じことの繰り返しになると不安が立ち込めてくるので……ただただ前に進み続けます。アートショーもやりたいですね。個展を開いて、本を出版して、これまで撮影してきた著名人たちのポートレイトを展示する。とにかく撮影し続けてスターを目指す! なんてね(笑)」

Animal Hope and Wellness
「Animal Hope and Wellness」は、無利益団体(NPO)で虐待ケースに特化して動物の福祉環境の向上に取り組んでいます。彼らの活動を通して食肉市場に陥ってしまった犬たちを何千匹も救出した実績があり、法律改正の面からも動物保護に取り組んでいる団体です。「Animal Hope and Wellness」の活動に興味を持たれた方、ボランティアなどの問い合わせはinfo@animalhopeandwellness.orgまで。Instagram/@animalhopeandwellness

[ Interview ] Zoey Grossman / photographer

──How was the shoot today?

Zoey Grossman : It was awesome! It was really great, it went really well.

──For this shoot, I heard that you contributed quite a bit, as far as the animal participants go.

This was exciting for me because one of my main passion is animal rights. And I’m involved in an organization called Animal Hope and Wellness, that rescues abused animals, but mainly abused dogs. Animal Hope and Wellness is a foundation that is very close to my heart. I am close friends with the founder Marc Ching, who is probably the most amazing, most dedicated, incredible person I have ever met. He gives his life to rescue animals in horrific situations around the world. From abuse cases, to animals being slaughtered. He will actually put his life on the line in order to make a difference.It is so inspiring. When this Numero Tokyo animal rights issue came up, I was so excited to partner for it and to include Marc and the dogs he rescues. I think animal rights in general is such a big important thing that the fashion industry recently have been more aware about. So this was such a special issue for me, because I love animals so much. So when Maki was telling me
about it, I went “Yes!!!” I’m so excited about this. I felt really passionate about it. So that organization brought those dogs to the shoot today.

──How are you involved with them (charity)?

I work a lot with rescue or feeding dogs. I’m involved with the organization helping with different events. We just put on a cruelty free fashion show. Bunch of different brands came together, to help promote and support that cause. So I just helped them put on a cruelty free fashion show in LA. So that was a very important thing. And I’m really close with the founder Marc. So I would help him with the rescue promoting and spreading the word out there and taking in rescue animals to kind of help rehabilitate them, and place them into foster homes.

──How did your involvement with the foundation begin?

My mom is a dog trainer. And she was heavily involved with animal rescue so my whole life, dogs and animals.. rescuing and helping animals. She (mom) is really close with Marc who runs Animal Hope and Wellness. So through her I became really close to him.

──Not just the group/charity you are involved with, but do you see more similar or prominent animal rights group being active, and more awareness rising, even in the fashion industry, and photo and art industry?

I think people are becoming more aware. We are using less fur. Less exotic skins, less feathers. Or just being more conscious of what we are promoting in the shoot. Because a lot of the time we just want to make a pretty picture, and we don’t think about the message that we are sending out. So there’s more of an overall consciousness happening in the fashion world especially. And I think people in general, just with social media, and what’s happening now. Consciousness, and global conservation, not just animal rights, but the world and earth and what’s happening. People are becoming more conscious. More and more rescues are popping up and making it more accessible for people to just even to help out or give animals to. I think just the accessibility and people being aware, is helping a lot.

──At today’s shoot, how were the doggies selected? What were your idea? Did you have communication with Hailey prior to the shoot to discuss the animals..how were those dog talents selected today? And the kangaroo of course.

(laughs) Kangaroo. We thought it would be nice to showcase an exotic animal, more of an endangered exotic animals, that is more outside of the box, that are unique and rare, and exciting for people to see. So I think that’s really important thing. The animal that we don’t see everyday, that are more endangered and not just a dog or a cat. But for dogs today, they were from that rescue. So I went to go actually see who was available. Hailey is also a really big animal lover. So it was nice to have her on the shoot too. Because she loves dogs, she loves animals. She’s such a sweet natured person. She has a calming energy, so animals love her. Which is true. It was a good combination. But we told her before, that it’s important to promote animal rights issue, and she was really excited about it.

──Did the involvement with the charity begin before your photography career took off? Or did that simultaneously happen?

I got involved with the organization couple of years ago, so that was after launching the photography career. But I’ve always have been rescuing dogs my whole life.

──So while being in a fast paced fashion and photography, animal rescue was always part of you?

That’s my passion. Sometimes I think that if I could do something else in certain point of my life, I would love to go into animal conservation and rescue and help in a bigger way. That’s my passion.

──I read in other interview that you were really into photography from really early on. Starting from when you were decorating your room, etc. But how did your photography career, shooting for other people start?

I didn’t assist anyone ever. So I just from the young age always loved fashion and loved photography. I grew up in the 80s, so I loved it ever since. I went to school for painting and fine art, and fine art photography. When I graduated from college, and started testing models, from the very beginning I just kept working hard. I just always knew that I loved it, so I kept working hard and not taking no for an answer! And just kept trying to work my way in. Because no one showed me how to do it. And if you don’t have a mentor, it sometimes is difficult. So I just tried to keep going, being creative with the ways that I approach things, trying to kind of find my way in to doing it in a real way.

──Do you work in a different format each time, or do you always have a core team that you like to work with?

I always have my core team. I always have my crew, who I love so much. Hair and make up might change depending on talent and models. But my lighting team, digital tech, they always stay the same. Because we have like a method in a way that we like to do things, and that we are all really in sync. We have it down with this team.

──Backtracking the question a bit, but amongst other art form that you were studying, what was about photography that caught your full attention eventually?

I think because it is directing sometimes. You take all these pieces from reality and you put them together and create a still image – I love film also but film is very complicated. I think for photography and fashion, melding those two things is like creating a world that is based in reality, but also in fantasy. So those two things can come together and create what you could see in your mind.

──You work with many top models, celebrities, actors and actresses..of course there would be different preparation we assume, because they are all different individuals, and have different ways of working. But is there anything that you always do, in working with people who have a strong voice, or high profile?

I think a lot of the times, it’s true with celebrities or personalities, they have their own identity, and sometimes they are really protective of it. It’s harder to step outside of the box and try something new. Over the years I learned that I have to go in with an idea, but also stay open. A lot of the times, I want to happen or what I think will happen will totally change. And I have to be able to go with the flow, and not get stuck with one thing. Especially with big celebrities, they are also artists. I want to respect what they come to the table with, and their view of themselves or them wanting to play a character. So hopefully our voices will kind of meld together. But I think my tactics that worked the best is that to stay open and not have my ego get in the way. just be really collaborative and nice, and break the ice in that way. And I think that people like that, and respond to that. Sometimes people walk in really defensive. And if I meet them and say, ‘hey, this is going to be great, I want to know what you want to do also.’ and hear them out. And not come with my attitude, it usually works. Sometimes no, but most of the time.

──That process is fun for you too, right? Because you are working with others.

Yeah! It’s fun when people want to collaborate, and they want to be there. Sometimes they don’t want to be there and it’s really difficult. I think it can be such a creative fun process to all be in together so when someone else is wanting to be there and wanting to create together is most exciting.

──Outside of fashion, do you do different type of photography? Or this for now keeps you busy?

These work keeps me busy for now, but I love also taking interesting portraits. Not just a standard portraits but artistic portrait. I love photographing people a lot. It has to do with people. Odd body parts or odd fashion moments. But everything, even my personal work has to do with fashion, beauty, even if it’s kind of deconstructed, and fucked up in a way it’s still has to do something in that artistic visceral fashion people genre, I think. That’s what inspires me the most.

──About future. As a photographer, and the path that you are on right now, how would you like to grow, and be your own photographer in the future?

I would love to..the photographers that I really admire that do a lot of commercialwork, but really artistic, is like Inez & Vinoodh, Mert and Marcus, the high level photographers that can kind of bring their own creativity to commercial work also. I’d love to keep pushing, keep going, hopefully to do exciting creative things because I get anxiety when I’m too stagnant. I would like to keep pushing pushing, keeping going going. I love to do maybe an art show. In a bigger sense do an art show, have a book, gallery exhibit of all the portraits that I have taken of celebrities and talent. And just keep going, shoot for the stars..! (laughs)

──You shared us a little bit about how Hailey herself was into dogs and animals. She has a dog herself too. How was she like as a collaborator today?

She was great. I think she was really comfortable and she was feeling creative too. Because she would look at the photos and say ‘I want to try this!’ She has a lot of ideas to bring to the table also. And with the animal shots, she was really patient. A lot of the times, it’s really hard with animals, people would get frustrated, it’s kind of hard for them to wait..they don’t listen on a dime. She was very patient. She was really collaborative and she wanted to get the shots so she kept trying poses and different things, and she was so sweet and calm with them, which is so helpful when working with animals. So that was such a plus. She was so understanding of the concept.

──You mentioned that you personally went and chose the dogs for the shoot today. But in a way, they were rescue dogs so they were not a trained for camera dogs.

Not at all.

──In that sense, that was a special shoot in a way.

Totally. It was amazing. For a little bit, they were shy on camera, so we had to be patient. It was so special because these are real animals who have really difficult past lives so it’s nice to kind of highlight them in that for a such a good cause. I was so happy to be part of this issue. So thank you for having me. So important to me. Thank you!

Dogs that were here today, they are from Korea, and they were at the slaughterhouse. He rescued them from the slaughter house. These puppies. I always feel so guilty that I’m not doing enough. This is so great, but am I even doing anything. I need to do something that’s important and to make a difference. Because we are all so
lucky. Here, we can do all these things, and if you don’t give back then what’s the point?

Animal Hope and Wellness
Animal Hope and Wellness is a non profit organization that deals specifically with abuse and cruelty cases, working to raise awareness in regards to animal welfare issues. They have single handedly rescued thousands of dogs from the dog meat trade, and have been instrumental in animal legislative reform. If you are interested in volunteering to help with Animal Hope and Wellness please contact: info@animalhopeandwellness.org

Interview & Translation:Aya Muto Edit:Maki Saito


Zoey Grossmanゾイ・グロスマン 1984年、アメリカ生まれ。大学でアートを学び、卒業後、モデルとの撮影をスタート。誰のアシスタントにも付かなかったため、ひたすらやりたいことに集中し、道を探してきたゾイ。今ではジュリアン・ムーア、ジェニファー・アニストン、ゾーイ・クラヴィッツ、キャンディス・スワンポール、ジェマ・ワード、サーシャ・ピヴォヴァノヴァなど、ハリウッドセレブやトップモデルなどを撮影。自分のアイデアをしっかり持ちつつも、オープンで常にコラボレートしていく姿勢に彼女たちは絶大な信頼を寄せている。現在はLAを拠点に活躍中。


JUNE 2024 N°177

2024.4.26 発売

One and Only

